A Brief Romance in 2 Chapters

By Christine Rapley

Chapter 1

Audrey Giratoro started working at Fitz Dolz Vintage Department Store in Dormire, the beds & bedding department a few months ago.

 She works alone and it’s quite a responsibility.

Mister Tiprego is a bit of a Jack of all trades. He’s the chief buyer and accountant, but he also assists with the displays.

 Audrey asks him if he could possibly move the vintage peach and pink wardrobe over a little – to create a bit of space.

“This wardrobe is OK but it’s not very tidy and there are a few too many items stuffed in.” Tip tells Audrey.  Tip says because there’s too much in there, customers will find that everything falls out as soon as they start to touch anything. And they are bound to do that. Customers always want to feel the cushions and bedding. It’s partly how they choose what to buy – the feel of the fabric.
The phone rings again and Tip goes out briefly. It’s Fi Onna asking if Dormire is looking ready for store opening time.

After Audrey gets off the phone she busies herself trying to make the pillows and bedding look neater. 

Audrey doesn’t hear Tip come back into the department. Suddenly she feels a gentle tap on her shoulder.   

Audrey turns around and Tip apologised if he surprised her. Tip says he would like to ask her something. She can’t imagine what he is going to say. Is he going to tick her off perhaps?  

  Audrey is aware he has something of a reputation. He’s always flirting with the staff, and he seems to like blondes. 

There’s no-one around. The store isn’t yet open – Audrey sits on the bed and they start to chat.
Audrey tells Tip that her parents are second generation Italian and she rarely goes out to eat. Tip wonders if she would like to go with him to the pizzeria and he’s about to ask her.
Tip says he’s amazed – “Would you like to go with me to the pizzeria – on a date?”

Audrey is blushing. She doesn’t quite know how to handle this or what to say. But she is excited. She has only ever had a few dates – and this has come out of the blue.

Tip and Audrey are a bit concerned. Kaytee Onna is after all, the store manager’s sister. Tip says he’d better get back to his office to make some calls but whispers to Audrey “I’ll be back soon”.

Kaytee warns Audrey, “You probably know that Tip has quite a reputation. Though romance is always a risk  – if I were you I’d give it a go”

Audrey’s mood has elevated since Tip asked her out. She was beginning to give up hope of ever finding a boyfriend.

When she’s alone in the Dormire department, Audrey sits on a bed to ponder the possible romance. It’s a lot to take in. Audrey’s heart starts to flutter with excitement thinking about the date with Tip.

Audrey wonders though even before the date – how long will the romance last?  Well, I may as well see what happens – it could be fun going out with Tip.

He would be quite a catch.  But look at me now – I’m going on a date!

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