A Brief Romance in 2 Chapters

Chapter 2 “The Date”

Tip took the opportunity to make a few advances to Audrey at work during the week -especially when he saw her go into the stock room at Fitz Dolz. No-one was around, but Audrey seems rather shy, and he suspects she doesn’t have much experience with men. He isn’t sure that they have much chemistry. Very pretty – but she doesn’t seem to have a lot to say for herself.  Perhaps he can persuade her to come back to his place after the pizza. She’s got a great body. And that gorgeous blonde hair. There’s no chance of any hanky-panky with Audrey living at home with Mama e Papa.   

The conversation is stilted

The girls confer: “They only had eyes for each other and he also couldn’t keep his hands off her”.  I think she dances with Bambole Dance Company.

They are performing a new programme soon at Sons of Jack Lane Community Centre.

One moment Audrey was sitting happily. Then whilst Tip was in the little boy’s room, his mobile pinged with a message. Audrey had noticed the pizzeria staff whispering and sensed something was not quite right. She got up and walked over to look at his iPhone.  There was a message from Carolina “I miss you Tip, you make my heart beat faster ”.  

Tip tries to explain that when he and Carolina did a bridal photo shoot at Fitz Dolz– they fell for each other.

This was after he’d asked Audrey for a date.  Audrey doesn’t want to hear any excuses though. She feels humiliated and is hurt. 

Tip mumbles something about showing her the photo shoot photos on his phone. Audrey isn’t having any of it though – this just adds insult to injury.

Tip is left alone to ponder the possible consequences of his cheating – there’s no chance now with Audrey. But what of Carolina? What’s going to happen when she finds out he’s been playing away? It’s all going to come out at Fitz Dolz. The staff adore a bit of gossip. All those gorgeous girls who work there are going to be very wary of him now. ©  2023

©  2023