Hotel La Muette

Chapter 2 A Paris Doll Story

Louis drives Fi from Charles de Gaulle Airport to her hotel – Hotel La Muette. She is entranced by the very different Parisian views. This is a world away from Mossy Well, but even further still from Scotland – her homeland.

In the parking area at Hotel La Muette Louis says ” I will show you some of the sights of Paris and we can get to know each other”. Fi is very happy to hear this. She thought that she would only see him at the Fashion Show. She doesn’t yet know that he is the manager of Masque.

Valentin is the manager of the hotel which he runs with his wife, Albertine. The hotel was owned by his parents, but they are old now and live in the south of France. He invites Fi to sit down so that he can check her in. Valentin tells Fi she will need to give him her passport as the law requires him to keep it whilst a guest unless she is a French citizen. He tells her about the onsite restaurant and meal times etc.

Patti Rubis, one of the models for the Masque fashion show and her son Eddie traveled by taxi from the airport. They arrive a little after Fi so have to wait their turn to check in.

After handing over her passport Fi shakes hands with Valentin. He is going to help her with her luggage. Her room is upstairs so they will take the lift. The hotel has a quaint custom that dates back to when his parents owned Hotel La Muette. If you stroke Cedric the seagull, you will have good luck in Paris. Fi feels a little self-conscious, but she doesn’t want to miss the opportunity of good luck!

   Eddie looks on intently – he wants to stroke Cedric. What a funny name. No-one in America is called Cedric!

Valentin explains to Patti that he won’t keep them waiting long. But they are a bit short staffed, so he needs to take Fi up to her room.

Fi will be in Chambre 7 on the 2nd floor

Fi feels right at home at Hotel La Muette. She loves the fact that Valentin has given her a set of old keys rather than those rather horrid swipe cards that have become popular. The decor of her room is quite vintage – and such a superb view – she can see the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Amazing!

Valentin makes sure that Fi is happy with her room and then returns to reception to the American lady & her little boy to check them in. Valentin thinks that Patti is quite glamorous – with her strawberry blonde hair and diamante ear-rings. She has sparkling eyes to match. He’d like to see the Fashion Show at Masque but unfortunately the restaurant does not run itself. Anyway -hopefully the models who are arriving for the show will dine at the hotel restaurant at least a few times. La Muette needs the bookings.

Patti Rubis hands over her American passport to Valentin who says it will be kept in the safe and of course returned to her when she checks out .

Patti stands up to shake hands with Valentin. All done with checking in procedure and Valentin helps Patti with their luggage. Their room is also on the 2nd floor. Eddie likes Cedric the Seagull and isn’t surprised to find that he is made of wood. He wonders if anyone has a pet seagull.

Meanwhile Fi has a little rest in her room after unpacking her cases. She decides not to risk taking the metro and plays it safe by exploring the local area. She changes her clothes after travelling and puts on her yellow kilt and tartan poncho. Oh yes, those yellow ankle Wellington boots will go with this outfit! And off out she goes. Paris!

Nearby she finds a shop (for which her outfit is a perfect “fit” though she doesn’t realise it). She looks at the shop sign above the door: Biscuit – ah, that must mean biscuits – and Sucrecuitier she imagines must mean sweet maker? Some biscuits would be good to have at the hotel, in case she gets hungry and wants a little snack.

Fi is very tired near the end of her first day in Paris. She decided not to go to the hotel restaurant just for now. She smiles as she remembers how neither Security police at the airports knew what hairnets are! And how weird – the English policeman looked almost exactly like the even fiercer looking one at Charles de Gaulle Airport. She drifts off to sleep dreaming of Louis. But it looks as though he is probably married – the clue being the child seat in the back of his picnic van. Or maybe it’s a friend’s van. Oh well – sleep now. She wonders for a moment how Tip is getting on holding the fort for her at FitzDolz ©  2023