Louis & Columbe


Chapter 3

Driving to visit Louis, Columbe is distracted by Coco asking where they are going. Columbe fails to notice she is about to enter a No Entry street. She only recently passed her driving test and Louis was always the driver. So she didn’t often pay much attention to the roads or the road signs. She reverses and takes a different route. Although they have been separated a few months now, there is a lot going on. Coco is too young to understand why she isn’t living with Papa now.
Columbe visits Louis with their young daughter Coco

Louis and Columbe have been married for 2 years. When Coco arrived they were very happy together for a while. Louis would never admit it, but his roving eye and little love dalliances have played a part also in their relationship falling apart. Columbe knows of at least two of Louis’s “aventures”. Coco of course is named after Coco Chanel. Columbe really doesn’t want to stay in Paris. She wants to resume her degree in English at Lille University. She wants to be a schoolteacher. This desire she has to go back to Uni has been a source of friction between them and tensions escalated. Columbe expressed her unhappiness frequently and a rift grew between them.   Louis couldn’t possibly give up his job at Masque and they agreed it would be best to separate. Columbe moved out a few months ago and is staying temporarily with a close friend. They want the divorce to be amicable and Louis says he will be generous with a settlement. Columbe wants to move to the area where Louis’s mother lives. They have a good relationship and Susannah has agreed that she will be very happy to babysit Coco. Coco calls her grandma Mamie-Nanou. There is a fully furnished annex to her house where Columbe can stay rent-free. Susannah has already started getting their new home ready. This will enable Columbe to complete her degree. If the financial settlement isn’t enough, she can always take a part time secretarial job. Columbe is determined to have her own career in the future. She’s still young after all.

Columbe wants to see the Fashion show at Masque and a week or so later plans to leave with Coco to live near Lille. She can settle in before the University term begins. It may be that they won’t be signing divorce papers for a while as they have to sort out some of their joint possessions. And agree the settlement. She can travel back to Paris for any meetings with their solicitors.

Columbe is keeping the Picnic van that Coco loves. Louis will of course have his sports car. Louis’s apartment is rather grand, but she prefers a simpler abode anyway.  Paris can be tiring. Columbe thinks she needs to be in a less busy environment. She will return to Paris for the final meeting with the solicitor – to sign the papers. They have agreed that Louis can have regular access to Coco, and if needs be they can meet up occasionally between Lille and Paris. In any case surely he will want to see his parents – so when he visits, he will of course see Coco. Susannah she’s sure will love spending time with Coco. Gerard, her grandpa lives nearby on his farm. Susannah was fed up looking after the farm animals. Louis’s parents separated a long time ago. Columbe isn’t in any hurry to find a new boyfriend. She wants to focus on her studies.

Coco dropped her nounours (french for teddy bear) but Mama et Papa haven’t noticed.

Louis tells Columbe that he has met someone through his work. A very nice Scottish girl who came over for the fashion show. He wants her to know as they will see each other at Masque soon. Louis hopes that Columbe won’t mind. It’s early days in the relationship with Fi. She might return to the UK where she manages a department store. But it is just as likely that she will stay in Paris. Will she be happy for Louis, as he would be if/ when Columbe meets someone else – he wonders.

Columbe isn’t really surprised. She doesn’t say much.

Louis suggests that before Columbe moves to live near Lille – that they take Coco to the little children’s farm that she likes. They could have a picnic. Columbe thinks that’s a lovely idea.
Louis bends down to pick up Coco’s Nounours

Louis says that he will always be Coco’s Papa. Coco needs to know that they both love her.  Louis will miss her – but it’s time to each build a more settled life even if it is apart from each other now. Louis works hard at Masque, as Columbe knows. But he says it will be an opportunity to visit his parents more often – so they will still see each other – Louis, Columbe and Coco – their beautiful little girl.

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